Clinical semiology In medicine, the clinical semiology is the body of knowledge that deals with the identification of the various pathological manifestations (symptoms and signs) or data, how to look (semiotecnia) and compiling them into syndromes and how to interpret (clinical semiological) . The working method and procedures developed for obtaining data (primarily the questioning and physical examination) is known as a clinical method. Semiology is the mainstay of clinical medicine. It is an art and a science. Presents a method of sorting knowledge (clinical method) and a goal is the diagnosis of health problems. Part of simple observations and builds knowledge of increasing complexity. Observation, construction and application to specific situations.As a humanistic science, applied a look biological, psychological, social and ethical problems within the physician-patient relationship, or doctor-patient relationship. Moreover, well developed, this discipline allows the physician not only directed at the diagnosis but have a prognostic assessment and to raise the general lines of treatment. Hence the assertion Laubry: ‘ “The semiology is not only the grammar of medicine, but medicine itself.” In brief medical semiology methodology is language and thought. The context of your application is the medical consultation. Semiological science in medicine is applied in different both clinical and surgical specialties. In clinical semiology semiology is implemented cardiac, pulmonary, dermatology, ENT, psychiatry, endocrinology The registry tool is the clinical semiology history.
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