Chauchard, learning only to remedy your morbid landslides to others. He would be falsely normal, a being that he desinteresaria of others, because he has cultivated the virtue of smiling and he could not have with them but contacts artificial, banal, or concerned, which would have nothing to do with genuine interpersonal relationships. We just let be shy when we express our sympathy, when we are not intimidating, we must not forget that we will have to accommodate others and is necessary for others to learn to welcome us such as we are. Remember that there are degrees between indifference and friendship. We are made appointment Dr. Chauchard in such a way that it is not impossible to be in a situation of balance, health, whether with regard to others are indifferent, envious, majority, disrespectful, pedantic, hostile if we even have hate. Balancing requires loving our neighbor as ourselves.
Love your neighbor is primarily open to him, welcome you, express interest and sympathy. We must propose us cultivate the virtue of smiling, learn to do it. Is it reminds us once again that the smile is the key of sympathy. All human meeting must start with her. We must create in us desire to smile when we meet each other, and do so in a mechanical way. Keep in mind, that our world which is said civilized won’t it while it’s not an open world, in which each interested truly by others and in themselves, and that reciprocally.
The smile that others require and that we need, is an inner smile, a genuine smile, the momentary communion of a sympathy, the joy of an encounter. To smile when others need us smile. You can achieve that smile if you intend to be happy, grow, discover and work in its imperfections, sharing, taking into account, for example, what stands out Leo Buscaglia: Beware of the insignificant anger, because they grow up to become destructive monsters. Delete them immediately. I do not know engage in petty, ego and children’s grievances. Only serve to degrade their relations and impede intimacy. Remove the false pride, which usually is negative and creates barriers and also prevents. Privacy, often leads to the separation of persons and causes suffering. Note once again, that smile allows you to recognize the quality of the other person as well as their positive vibes huma. Harold Lyon tells us: what protects us is not our beast but our humanity, our ability to love others and accept the love that others want to lavish us. What keeps us warm at night is not our hardness, but the tenderness that makes others want to stay sheltered. Don’t forget to cultivate and manifest the smile, make use of this and always share, already you’ll see the results of it, help you to be happy.