Saulo grew in the street. It attended a course only the first series, not obtaining to exceed this series due its difficulty of learning. In 2003? to the 8 years of age – the glue use initiated. Had to the envolvement with the glue and the experience of street, in 2007, to the 12 years, the father? dealer of drugs – it came to search it took and it for So Paulo, but it did not offer to the son no protection. Neglecter, beyond not offering mninas conditions of care, attention and affection, finished for stimulating the son to use crack.
Not supporting the conditions of maltreatment and violence which was submitted, Saulo was to live in the street. To the 14 years, it was found and received by a shelter. That in turn, taking care of to the apelos of Saulo to come back to live with the mother, it entered in contact with the Advice To tutor of Recife, directing it in return to this city. Since then, it continues to make use of drugs and practises small roberies and robberies. Currently, it is being threatened of death, which had to the robberies. It is not studying and it does not obtain to remain one week in house for more than, not to be that it is chained.
Form that the genitora found to protect it of these threats and of lives deeply of street. It is clearly that makes it for not obtaining to glimpse it alternative. As it does not obtain to convince the son through argument, the same one says that ' ' it prefers to chain it that to lose it for drogas' ' (sic). Petrini (2003), apud Gomes and Pereira (2004) affirms that to the measure that the family finds difficulties satisfactorily to fulfill to its basic tasks of socialization and support/services to its members, vulnerability situations are created.