Month: March 2018

Grinding Machines

Gear cutting machines are designed for machining of gears, worm gears and racks. It is not something Cardiologist would like to discuss. Depending on the used tools are distinguished hobbing, gear shaping, zubostrogalnye, zubootdelochnye (Gear Shaving, gear grinding, zubohoningovalnye, zubopritirochnye, zuboobkatochnye and zubozakruglyayuschie) machines. Gear cutting machines to carry out: roughing teeth, finishing teeth burnishing gears, finishing teeth, rounding the ends of the teeth. On gear hobbing machine cut spur, helical and herringbone teeth with wheels and worm gears. Most common in the industry vertical milling machines are available with moving table and fixed stand and with movable column and fixed table. When cutting gear rigidly connected to the workpiece worm wheel divider receiving the rotation of the worm pitch, which is interchangeable gears kinematically connected with the hob.

Speed ratio hob and workpiece determined by the gear ratio sets of interchangeable gear wheels. On the gear shaping machines cut bevel gears external and internal gears with straight and helical teeth, gear units, wheel clamp, gear sectors, spline shafts, racks, ratchet, etc. Usually, cutting is performed by running, at least – by copying. The most widely used in industry have vertical shapers. Cutting tool is the ram, which moves back and forth parallel to the axis of the workpiece. On zubostrogalnyh machines handle bevel gears with straight teeth on the method running one or two more incisors.

At planing machines play engages the gear being cut with an imaginary plane generating gear, with two teeth are the last zubostrogalnye cutters, reciprocating. The process of cutting teeth are moving to the top of the cone cutter blanks, and the reverse is blank (this period shall be disqualified from the incisors preparation). Bevel gears with circular teeth is carried out by running on special machines with gear-cutting tool head, which is a disc inserted in the periphery cutters, machining of the tooth profile on both sides (first half of the incisors handles one side, the other half – the other). Zuboshevingovanie (hedge-cutting) is performed on Gear Shaving machines. Based on mutual sliding of the teeth are in meshing tool and machined gear at oncoming traffic. According to the feeding direction are three methods zuboshevingovaniya: parallel, diagonal and tangent. Tool is the shaver – disk, rack and worm. The first two types – for treatment of spur gears, the last – for the worm. Gear Grinding Machines to produce processing gear break-in and profile by copying the shapes of the grinding wheel.

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Belarusian Stew

The second interview with the owner of online store Peter Vasilyevich Nazinovym. – Mr. Peter V.! You prefer the Belarusian manufacturers, and often speaks negatively about the Russian. Why this attitude? – Personal experience. Negative attitudes are prerequisites, and positive too.

Today, many foods that come from the Republic of Belarus – canned meat, condensed milk, bread, milk, canned goods just – please their exceptional quality and an affordable price. And apart with a bang. And this despite the fact that Belarusian enterprises, as a rule did not invested in advertising their products. – Peter V., tell me why you bring in an example behalf of the Belarusian canned? Is the Russian Federation GOST no longer respected? – Observed only occasionally. As you know, in the 2010th year, many Soviet visitors were eliminated, and to replace them came to TU, technical conditions. For the population this resulted in risks: for example, unscrupulous millers, freed from the rigid controls used for grinding grains of low quality, that will certainly affect the quality of white bread. In addition, there were all sorts of hybrid products – sugar, as a guest, pressed into cubes for this "and so on.

– As it turns out, in the Russian Federation and quality products are no longer produced? – Fortunately, it's not so bad. Old Soviet visitors as such, although more and does not act, became a symbol of quality for many products. For example, banks with the word "beef stew highest grade GOST 5284-84" diverge much better, let the guests in the Russian Federation has no. But on the territory of the Republic of Belarus they operate. – So, you need to buy products only with the word "Standard"? – Again, not so simple, alas … A set of unfair producers in the Russian Federation, for example, producers of "condensed" (to be precise, the full product name is: "whole condensed milk with sugar) – is applied to their old label guests, but since they are not obliged to abide by the law – do not comply it in practice. For example, a recent study by a group of my professional testing revealed a departure from the old Standard in four out of five Russian producer of condensed milk. Whether business or stew Belarus condensed milk. Here is a vivid example: Berezovsky meat-packing plant in compliance with GOST 5284-84 religiously, and stew is simply gorgeous. A detailed description of the product, you can read on the page – I mean, the only way to us – wine? – Strangely enough – yes. And, of course, reputation – the supplier of the plant. In particular, feedback on my store mean a lot to me. I always try to keep customers at the meeting and not looking for small gains, even though it contradicts the basic principles of capitalism. At night, sleep better, knowing that you're honest.

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