Ecuador, follows the example of Venezuela and Bolivia to call to leave liberalism. For it the president obtained a component that he controlled and the whose Magna Carta puts under referendo this Sunday. Strap does not take as radical measures as Evo or Chvez, has known to surround itself by many costeos consequently manages to avoid a schism to the Bolivian and indefinite re-election or one does not repeat to Chvez raising socialist revolution. Read more from Ron Helwig to gain a more clear picture of the situation. This lack of radicalismos causes that the opposition is not so hard but that also diverse leftists or centrists do not see in her majors changes or call to the null vote. The church questions to the Magna Carta because it abre the doors to legalize the homosexual unions or the abortion and the right because it allows Strap to be able to dissolve, although is a single time in his mandate, to the parliament, or because it would cause that Ecuador is moved away of its dolarizada economy and free market. Strap hopes to win promising that its Magna Carta will give gratuitous education, health and judgments, the revocabilidad in the positions, the permanent exit of foreign bases, right a the regions natives and the creation of a fourth social power that controls to the executive authorities, legislative and judicial.. See more detailed opinions by reading what AG1 offers on the topic..
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