Knowing of the data on the increase of the life expectancy of the world-wide population, where more than the half of the people with superior age the 65 years suffer of Alzheimer, this article than more opportune it is also necessary, therefore it is intended not to deplete the subject, but to open the subject for reflection places it in guideline enters the psicopedagogia students, in order to also expand the field of performance of psicopedagogo, to act beyond the infancy and adult age, but also in the function of prevention and whitewashing in aged. Word-key: Aged, memory and Badly of Alzheimer. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. has compatible beliefs. ABSTRACT The present article has main objective research on Alzheimer’ s disease, its origin, symptoms, and you cause and how educational psychology can contribute you improve the quality of life of patients with Alzheimer’ s disease.Knowing the dates on the increase in life expectancy of the world population, where lives than half of people aged to over 65 to suffer from Alzheimer’ s, most opportune this article is also necessary because it is intended not exhaust the subject, but the opening theme will be reflection, put it on the educational agenda among students in psychology, well you expand the playing field of educational psychologists, acting beyond childhood and adulthood, but also in the rolls of prevention and rehabilitation in the elderly. Keywords: Aging, memory and Alzheimer’ s. Introduction What it constitutes the Evil of Alzheimer? Alzheimer is a riot irreversible of the brain, whose cells are grown worse gradually provoking the aging of the brain and the degeneration of the neurons (COTRAN, 2000).
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