Many people not only elderly suffer new osteoarthritis research knee complaints, which is noticeable especially when movement pain. Every movement hurts, walking and stairs can be torturous. Now, good advice is needed, because the pain can have different causes and also no good alternative is to take only pain relievers. Aching knees can be caused by osteoarthritis, which manifests itself in wear and tear of the articular cartilage, injuries, and damage to the meniscus and ligaments. Each of these conditions requires a special therapy, which focuses on the causes and special needs. When aching knees because of osteoarthritis, we now know that one of the causes in an insufficient supply of articular cartilage with joint components is to search. It is logical therefore the supply situation, also suitable for tablets to improve. This therapeutic approach is derived from the diet therapy and as dietary or nutritional therapy is known.
Suitable for this type of therapy are in food so substances, be it in very small quantities, there are enriched in tablets or capsules processed can be and. In the case of painful wear and tear in the knee, which are in the medical jargon also known as osteoarthritis, there are such substances. Only problem is that they occur in foods, which are usually not daily consumed in larger quantities. These include Greaves lard, mussels, oysters. Lobster and shark. To meet the reduced supply of important building blocks in the articular cartilage, it is so, concentrated in the form of tablets to take them. For the joint components of Glucosamine and Chondroitin sulphate, this is possible. New osteoarthritis research results, how important is a balanced supply of chondroitin sulfate.
So, researchers have found that this module to improve the structure of articular cartilage and combat hence the pain. But not enough. He can favourably influencing inflammation in the body. This is of great importance because joint wear and tear can be accompanied like osteoarthritis often by inflammation in the joint, which worsen the disease.