The zero degree of human nature: the loco is not a sick person, is an animal. Therefore, dressage and the brainwashing are the methods for its domination. The inhumane practices of the internees (whipping, beatings, linkages, mistreatment of any kind) are justified by that free animality of madness, where man no longer exists. (Michel Foucault). The 19th century is dominated by somatic explanations of mental illness; the subject of medical study, psychological disorders were regarded as a brain dysfunction that should be the subject of moral treatment according to the principles set out by the French psychiatrist Philippe Pinel (1745-1826). A complaint is generalized among psychiatrists: mixing on the same site to fools and criminals. A new consciousness of madness arises from the experience of confinement.
It is not a humanitarian attitude toward fools what does that you differentiate them into boarding schools: the mixture is an injustice to other inmates. The madness is individualized increasingly. Since the initial space of the middle ages, chaotic, where mingled crazy and sane, have gone producing increasingly refined separation practices toward madness. However, the madhouses of the time were real crazy pudrideros. The atmosphere, far from promoting the good evolution of the patients, contributed to her decompensation and its disorganization.
The 20th century is characterized by the introduction and development of psychoanalysis, the expansion of the nosologic classification of mental diseases initiated by Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926), the development of Neurology, Physiology and the Biochemistry, foundations for the development of organicist Psychiatry, the rise of psychopharmacology and, finally, the beginning of conceptions psychosociological health and mental illness. Regarding the current situation, even the word patient, mental patient mental, crazy, etc., are still associating with violence and crime, etc. You see these patients as a kind of urban, uncontrollable and violent predators that, even under treatment can explode hurting their peers, judging him on many occasions how unrecoverable, not productive for society, guilty for having this disease, lack of motivation or simply unable to bear the stress by a deficit of character. The World Health Organization (who) and the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) work to demystify mental illness, and since 1992, celebrated on October 10 as World day of Mental health. Vertices psychologists Cabinet of Madrid: C / Caleruega, 88 Las Rozas de Madrid cabinet: Ave. Lazarejo 106 phone: 91 631 44 93 690 75 85 35 Email: all rights reserved original author and source of the article.