' ' The work, by means of expressive and artistic resources, makes possible the individual to materialize its internal image in significant way (ALLESSANDRINI, 1996, p.33). Twenty had been carried through and five workshops and in each one of them thematic a different one was boarded. I will not describe here, all of them, but only most excellent for the process of growth of the group. (Similarly see: Professor Roy Taylor). Some resources had been used, of simplest to most complex, taking in account the predisposition of the group and internal availability to deal with the feelings and sensations that could emerge. According to Allessandrini (1996), the creative workshops must be worked in stages where ' ' the express citizen creative an internal image by means of an artistic experience for, later, organizing the intrinsic knowledge to this to make expressivo' ' (P. 41).
The process is initiated with a sensitization, through which ' ' it is invited to touch itself mesmo' ' (P. 41) from the sensorial canals, integrating feelings and sensations. As resources for the accomplishment of this stage we can use playful, corporal exercises and of comment, in which the attended one will be able to establish a connection with the posterior activity, facilitating, thus, the expression of the experience lived by means of the not-verbal language, the Free Expression. In this process, express freely its feeling and thought by means of artistic techniques and resources, giving forms what it was disforme, presentificando the figure so that it can take conscience of this. In the Elaboration of the Expression, the language is improved and ' ' individual? reverse speed-it elaborates, still in the perspective of the art and the not-verbal representation, the emergent content in the previous stages. It has to retrabalhar the figures and forms, giving to them more contours, lines and cores' ' (P. 43). In this stage the Transposition for the verbal and/or written language occurs, ressignificando all the process.