Tag: psychology

Learning Well

Particularly, I confess, I adore to carry through Evangelho in the LEAC, therefore is allowed the communications with the Plan there Biggest, as old (since 2004), when I had the privilege to receive communications by means of the psicofonia, of love and affection of the Aunt Mercedes and my grandmother materna, Maria and the orientaes of deep wisdom and moral content of the Dr. Victor. I have all these kept communications and even though I dared myself to start to write a book the one that I gave the name of &#039 preliminarily; ' Learning with the Espritos' ' , where I am trying to tell of a pleasant form to the reading, the lived deeply facts most colorful at that time, as well as the received moral teachings. Although whenever possible say they me that we are all together working in the House and that I can feel them, nothing as a colloquy eye in the eye, is not same? As he is pleasant to feel the love and the affection of the two in its communications. It is a privilege given for God and is really emotive. Very well. Barbara Martin Coppola shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand.

As of habit, I seat to the table, and my wife, one of front for the other, of ownership of ' ' The Evangelho According to Espiritismo' ' of ' ' The Book of the Mdiuns' '. We made our conjuncts of opening and while my wife prayed I asked for to the Plan Biggest the support spiritual to the father of a friend who had deixarred a carne in Saturday and also all family. Total we are never prepared for these notice and this had left me well chateado, confesses. It still asked for to the Father Biggest the aid to our House of Conjunct and that if in case that &#039 had something; ' atrapalhando' ' the harmony of the House that duly was guided and directed.

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Free Expression

' ' The work, by means of expressive and artistic resources, makes possible the individual to materialize its internal image in significant way (ALLESSANDRINI, 1996, p.33). Twenty had been carried through and five workshops and in each one of them thematic a different one was boarded. I will not describe here, all of them, but only most excellent for the process of growth of the group. (Similarly see: Professor Roy Taylor). Some resources had been used, of simplest to most complex, taking in account the predisposition of the group and internal availability to deal with the feelings and sensations that could emerge. According to Allessandrini (1996), the creative workshops must be worked in stages where ' ' the express citizen creative an internal image by means of an artistic experience for, later, organizing the intrinsic knowledge to this to make expressivo' ' (P. 41).

The process is initiated with a sensitization, through which ' ' it is invited to touch itself mesmo' ' (P. 41) from the sensorial canals, integrating feelings and sensations. As resources for the accomplishment of this stage we can use playful, corporal exercises and of comment, in which the attended one will be able to establish a connection with the posterior activity, facilitating, thus, the expression of the experience lived by means of the not-verbal language, the Free Expression. In this process, express freely its feeling and thought by means of artistic techniques and resources, giving forms what it was disforme, presentificando the figure so that it can take conscience of this. In the Elaboration of the Expression, the language is improved and ' ' individual? reverse speed-it elaborates, still in the perspective of the art and the not-verbal representation, the emergent content in the previous stages. It has to retrabalhar the figures and forms, giving to them more contours, lines and cores' ' (P. 43). In this stage the Transposition for the verbal and/or written language occurs, ressignificando all the process.

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Authors Rizzi and Haydt (2002) they describe different designaesque the human being has received as from Homo sapiens for having the deraciocnio capacity, of Homo to faber, therefore it manufactures objects and utensils and of Homoludens for the capacity of if dedicating to the playful one. Some contend that Newcastle University shows great expertise in this. In elapsing of the time existiramdiferentes people, society, behaviors, customs and if dedicating aatividades playful also are common to the man, throughout the time she can be assumed to quebrincar and to play had been activities carried through for different societies. As Redim (1998) in the primitive societies the activities ldicasfaziam part of some practised activities, such as religious, cultural, the artistic ones, among others. The act to play had in itself character deludicidade, everything had character of party, celebration. In these societies brincarcomo the act to work age for all independent of the age, sex or classesocial. With passing of the years, but specifically with the modern age houveuma division starting to exist specific spaces and times for practical the dasdiferentes activities. What it also reflected in the activities establishes with the adult others ecrianas. (Borba 2006, P.

33). Eainda according to Rizzi and Haydt: ‘ ‘ a playful trend, that is an impulse for ojogo.' ' The diferentesatividades practised for the man of some form are essential for suaexistncia if it plays is because this necessity exists, and to crianabrincar it is its form of expression, if communicating with the world, and if relacionarcom the other. in the following topic deaula will be argued the tricks in the room and if the same ones are valued by the professor. 2. VALUE DASBRINCADEIRAS FOR the PROFESSOR Is quaseimpossvel to imagine children who do not play that imaginaopara does not use all its to create different situations. The act to play is not alone passatempodivertido, something common in infancy and that it passes without leaving vestiges.

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So Paulo

Saulo grew in the street. It attended a course only the first series, not obtaining to exceed this series due its difficulty of learning. In 2003? to the 8 years of age – the glue use initiated. Had to the envolvement with the glue and the experience of street, in 2007, to the 12 years, the father? dealer of drugs – it came to search it took and it for So Paulo, but it did not offer to the son no protection. Neglecter, beyond not offering mninas conditions of care, attention and affection, finished for stimulating the son to use crack.

Not supporting the conditions of maltreatment and violence which was submitted, Saulo was to live in the street. To the 14 years, it was found and received by a shelter. That in turn, taking care of to the apelos of Saulo to come back to live with the mother, it entered in contact with the Advice To tutor of Recife, directing it in return to this city. Since then, it continues to make use of drugs and practises small roberies and robberies. Currently, it is being threatened of death, which had to the robberies. It is not studying and it does not obtain to remain one week in house for more than, not to be that it is chained.

Form that the genitora found to protect it of these threats and of lives deeply of street. It is clearly that makes it for not obtaining to glimpse it alternative. As it does not obtain to convince the son through argument, the same one says that ' ' it prefers to chain it that to lose it for drogas' ' (sic). Petrini (2003), apud Gomes and Pereira (2004) affirms that to the measure that the family finds difficulties satisfactorily to fulfill to its basic tasks of socialization and support/services to its members, vulnerability situations are created.

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The Patient

The world if modified in this time much more that in the previous centuries, and the moment is of reflection and new taken of position the problems of the health more they are aggravated with the said illnesses of the current civilization, and the technological advances had brought quantitative and qualitative changes in the form of if living and dying. In way to everything this, the constatao of that scientific knowing of the last centuries compromised our humanity while people human beings becoming necessary a new paradigm (including knowing scientific and the aspectossociais of the reality) to face the future realities. The challenges of the Biotica while to know that it joins specialists and laypeople, and of hospital Psychology while specialty to minimize the suffering of patients in a hospital context, pointing ways of ampler vision of the human being who we have and the world that we want. In this context Biotica and Psicologia they search to humanizar the hospital and to make possible to each patient a more active participation in relation proper itself, to its illness and also to its death. The patient is seen as subject of itself exactly, fomenting more horizontal quarrels with its 7 cuidadores, that also the interpersonal bonds are considered, sharing decisions and to know differentiated. A look more complex must be searched than the generalizante knowing of them bipartite for a possible free and tolerant conviviality with the differences. We look for to understand the process historical of each boarding stops conciliating in them of form not to repeat the errors already committed and to advance with more security in direction to the future. We know the difficult quo is the way of the dialogue and the search of consensus in questions that involve the life and the life, the death and dying, but valley to remember Lutzenmberg there when asked on why always it swam against the chain, what it answered: because thus one only arrives the springs.

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