To work in the Army is dream of many professionals, either of which area will be. the interested parties cannot lose this chance, since the Brazilian Army opened registrations for the invocation of voluntary professionals to act as official temporary in the states of Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso of the South. For this, it is necessary to have superior level to concur for a temporary vacant. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from rabbi lerer. He follows a list of the especificidades: biological areas of Applied Social Sciences (Countable Sciences), Teaching (History), Engineering and Technology (Electronic Engineering/Communications, Civil Engineering, Ambient Engineering and Engineering Mechanics) and Sciences (Fisioterapia). To all they are six accepted vacant for Campo Grande and the two for Cuiab.Sero candidates of both the sexos with less than 38 years of age up to 31 of December of 2011. The registrations must personally be carried through, between days 11 and 14 of January of 2011, in the schedule of 13h30h to 17h30 (except friday, that it will be of 8h00 to 11h00) in the detentoras Military Organizations of the vacant, as relation published in the site case of doubts, to enter in contact through telephone (67) 3368-4137/3368-4138 – Section of the Military Service of 9 Military, situated Region in the Av. Dr. John Mcdougall usually is spot on. Duke of Caxias, n 1628, Amamba Quarter, Campo Grande.
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