Ingredients: Eggs, Oil, and Salt Preparation. Line a pan with an oil layer of about half a centimeter and carry fire. Break the egg into a small cup or dish. It is not advisable to do so directly on the pan as they may be bits of shell in preparation. This is true in any recipe. Once the oil is hot (maybe even get to smoke) enter the egg. Using a slotted spoon oil bathing the egg to cook the top. How long will it take to be fired depends on the desired point: can be obtained with liquid, the yolk, leaving him more time with the semi-solid yolk.
Anyway, never take more than 3 to 5 minutes. It is also form the nails (clear gold edges) if left for long periods at high temperature. Remove with a slotted spoon and add salt. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. by clicking through. No salt in the pan while it could cause the hot oil jump. In general it is advisable to prepare them to be more a cumbersome and have not burned areas. Fried eggs are low in calories for many people, fried eggs are a problem because of its high-calorie, trans fat and cholesterol. That’s why it’s good to know a way to prepare them to be much healthier because they are technically not fried. Egg Ingredients Nonstick cooking spray (common oil, if the spray is not available) Salt Preparation is important to have a nonstick pan, it is thanks to its nonstick surface that can be used much less oil than in the preparation of a traditional fried egg.
Spray skillet with cooking spray or oil if it is common place only a small drop and distribute it with a brush or kitchen paper. Bring heat to low or moderate. Break the egg into a small cup or bowl, place the skillet and cover with a pot lid. Thus, the heat not only reach the egg from below (where is the stove), but also from the top with lid. It will take about 5 to 7 minutes to be ready, or more if you want the yolk in a more solid. This cooking technique avoids the negative consequences of a frying and allows anyway enjoy some tasty fried eggs. Remember to keep the heat moderate and that is very strong if the bottom of the egg will burn before the top is cooked. Since the firing of these eggs is slower and less oily than the traditional form, no problem to cook more than one at a time.