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Jose Alberto Betanzos Salgado

The clerical celibacy causes pederastia and is one of the consequences of apostasa of the Vatican. * By the hypocrisy of lying that, having cauterized brings back to consciousness; they will prohibit to marry: P. Of Timoteo chapter 4, 1 to the 3: * you would apostataran of the faith, listening engaadores spirits and doctrines of demons; Taxco de Alarcn Guerrero to 12 of April 2010. By: Jose Alberto Betanzos Salgado. . The scandals of catholic priests pederastas in diverse parts of the world, are evidences of which the clerical celibacy causes pederastia and is one of the consequences of apostasa of the Vatican, unfortunately are made consomme’s for incalculable time and which today they leave to the dominion I publish part of its fornications. Cases of infantile abuse on the part of priests posesionados by demons, there are thousands in the world, there are as well as them of " adulterio" although less sounded and still less sounded of pregnant nuns or pederastas, but there is material on the matter. To the time.

The sagradas writings come up they identify and them in " prediction of apostasa" in first of Timoteo chapter 4 from the 1 to the 3: But the spirit says clearly that in the rearward times some you would apostataran of the faith, listening engaadores spirits and doctrines of demons; 2. – by the hypocrisy of lying that, having cauterized brings back to consciousness; 3. – they will prohibit to marry, and they would command to abstain from foods that God I create so that with thanksgiving the believers and those parcipacen of them that have known the truth. Who has read the sagrada Bible, she can give to faith of that nowhere prohibits to marry to anybody; God in its perfection, knowing the nature the man and the woman, did not prohibit to marry and if it makes established clear in the principle of the old testament that " God I create the woman because it is not good that the man this solo" and in the new testament it leaves to the free will the marriage, and exhorts to the fidelity to a single pair until it separates them to the death, recommending to marry with the person of its youth, we can there read, that in all the history of Priests, Shepherds and prophets, married. . a>.

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Simple Acne Treatments

If your you are a person who is affected by the acne, permteme a minute for decirte something exceeds how to take care of the acne. The acne can affect very many people of different types. It does not matter if you are O-Man woman, the acne does not distinguish sex. Also, another one of the things that have the myth of the acne more is that it is an exclusive affection of the adolescents, and is not this entirely certain. Also in adult ages it is possible to be found cases of acne and repercussions of the same. Cancer research recognizes the significance of this.

The acne thus is called to the different eruptions that usually leave in the face and parts the neck and chest, that are covered fat pores full. You may wish to learn more. If so, cancer research is the place to go. These eruptions commonly are called shinbones. These eruptions can be presented/displayed in different variants. The shinbones are of the most common along with the calls mud, that are black points where the fat has been solidified in the pore. These are removed of a different form that the treatment that is followed with the shinbones. In order to learn how to take care of the acne, first that nothing is necessary to consider, that the shinbones and mud, appear in stages of hormonal misalignments, and therefore, always they will be present during all the stage. It is by that usually it is associated to the shinbones with the adolescence.

Here it is where the misalignment and reacomodo of all the hormonal functions of the body, are when more fort is. Nevertheless, it is the stage that is, to take care of the coarse acne with following these two simple steps. Most difficult of all. To have patience not to touch the face nor to be hopeless. And once in a while to wash the face with a neutral soap. Following these simple steps and going with a medical dermatologist if it is considered opportune, little by little the acne will stay to ray and will know how to take care of the acne. Comprobadlo is a method 100% natural and guaranteed to eliminate the acne in days, nonmonths. For deshacerte completely of the acne for always, it reads as I could do making it Here Click.

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